Open for business

COVID-19 Road Map to Reopen Your NYS Business

As we approach the date when businesses in NY  will be allowed to reopen and/or return to the work environment, outlining and communicating your return to work plan will ensure a smooth transition for your team. Here you will find templates to assist your organization in creating the road map to reentering your workspace. We have included an outline of factors to consider when creating your plan, an employee health questionnaire that can be used in conjunction with your health and safety policy, and a template you might choose to implement if screening visitors to your workplace.

Whatever plan you choose, be sure to document the steps you are taking to ensure compliance with state requirements. According to the state, “Each business and industry must have a plan to protect employees and consumers, make the physical workspace safer and implement processes that lower risk of infection in the business.” Additional information can be found in the Phased Reopening document.

If you are an ESC client, please feel free to reach out if you would like to work on a return to work strategy for your business.

Factors to Consider for Your On-Site Work Plan

COVID-19 Employee Health-Screening Questionnaire


Phased NYS Reopening Guide

Important Reminder:  The information in this article is current only as of the date of the posting. The situation is rapidly evolving.  Please check our website frequently for the latest guidance.