Becoming an Empowered Leader: Leadership vs. Management

An ESC  Webinar
Thursday, November 5,  2020 | 10 – 11 a.m. EST


The terms “leader” and “manager” are often used interchangeably in the workplace, but the truth is they are actually quite different. Join ESC’s HR Manager, Lauren Kersten, for an interactive discussion about what makes a true leader, how it differs from being a manager, and why it matters when it comes to having a high performing workplace.

Topics covered will include:
  • Jack Welch’s 4 Es and a Framework
  • Leader vs. Boss
  • Management Styles and Leadership Styles
  • Delegation and Feedback Best Practices
  • Tips for Becoming an Empowered Leader


Lauren Kersten

About Lauren

Lauren’s HR background includes over ten years at ESC, currently serving as the HR Manager. In addition to supporting and assisting the HR needs of ESC clients, she offers internal support for ESC employees in all HR areas. She acts as a mentor to new ESC employees, helping them to acclimate to ESC’s unique culture and ensuring their success.

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