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Client Seminar: Back to the Basics

Utilizing Mentoring,
Coaching & Progressive Discipline
to Reinforce Positive Behavior

A Complimentary Breakfast Seminar for Clients of ESC.

This HR seminar, presented by Whitney Bower and Greg Gjurich, HR Consultants, was held on March 1st at Milo’s Restaurant.

Whitney Bower and Greg GJurich


Based on our customers’ request for an entry-level coaching & progressive discipline seminar, we are once again going back to the basics. This HR seminar will identify the components of performance management, traits of top coaches, and help introduce or reinforce the importance of ongoing coaching and progressive discipline. Managers will learn what Managerial Courage is and why it is a skill they must practice & achieve. Proper documentation will be discussed as well and why it is important from an HR compliance perspective. Case studies, exercises, brain storming and real life experience discussion will allow you to return to work energized and ready to take action!

Who  Attended?

  • Business Owners
  • New Managers
  • Team Leaders
  • First Level Managers


Please e-mail by
Friday, February 17th.

About ESC

Employer Services Corporation (ESC) is an Outsourced Human Resource (HR) Firm and Professional Employer Organization (PEO) headquartered in Buffalo, NY. The only locally owned PEO, ESC provides services to hundreds of businesses locally, regionally and throughout the country, offering unmatched expertise in all areas of HR outsourcing and employment administration, all under one roof.