PPP Flexibility Act and HR Best Practices as Employees Return to Work An ESC/TSA Zoom seminar Thursday, June 18, | 10 – 11:30 a.m. EST Overview Please join Tronconi Segarra & Associates and Employer Services Corporation as we share updates and information related to relief programs and employees in the workplace. Our panel of experts will be sharing the latest developments in COVID relief programs, as well as HR requirements and best practices now that employees are back in the workplace or returning soon. Topics to be covered include: Overview and specifics of the newly passed PPP Flexibility Act Updated guidance related to PPP and other relief programs Worksite health & safety guidance and updates Protocols for employee testing, illness, etc. Handling employee concerns at the worksite Answers to your questions. Our Panelists: REGISTER AND PRE-SUBMIT YOUR QUESTIONS! Click here to learn more about Liz Click here to learn more about Chuck Click here to learn more about Tom