PPP Flexibility Act and HR Best Practices: An ESC/TSA Webinar June 19, 2020 ESC and Tronconi, Segarra and Associates (TSA) hosted a virtual webinar to share updates and information related to relief programs and employees in the workplace. We heard from ESC’s Liz Warren and CPA’s Chuck Pezzino and Tom Mazurek from the TSA COVID-19 Response Team. They shared the latest developments in COVID-19 relief programs, as well as HR requirements and best practices now that employees are back in the workplace or returning soon. Read More
PPP Flexibility Act and HR Best Practices June 11, 2020 PPP Flexibility Act and HR Best Practices as Employees Return to Work An ESC/TSA Zoom seminar Thursday, June 18, | 10 – 11:30 a.m. EST Overview Please join Tronconi Segarra & Associates and Employer Services Corporation as we share updates and information related to relief programs and employees in the workplace. Our panel of experts… Read More
OSHA Increasing In-Person Inspections May 29, 2020 Your Safety Plan OSHA has announced they are increasing the number of in-person inspections in all types of workplaces due to COVID-19, and they have made it known that they expect businesses to have an exposure/infectious disease control plan. You can begin to develop your business plan by completing the state’s safety plan template. Components… Read More
Legal and People Issues Surrounding the Pandemic: An ESC/Gross Shuman PC Webinar May 15, 2020 ESC’s Chief People Officer, Liz Warren, and Hugh C. Carlin, Esq., an attorney and shareholder with Gross Shuman PC, hosted a virtual panel discussion. The discussion focused on legal issues, people issues, and recommended best practices surrounding the anticipated return to the workplace in the WNY community. Read More
Bringing Your Employees Back April 23, 2020 Creating a Plan to Re-Open and Bring Your Employees Back An ESC Zoom seminar Thursday, April 30, 2020 | 10 – 11 a.m. EST Overview Join our EVP and Chief People Officer, Liz Warren, for a detailed discussion on the steps to re-open your business: Establishing a timeline for your re-opening and return to work… Read More
Employee Safety & Communication During a Crisis April 13, 2020 Join our panel of experts for a detailed discussion of best practices during a crisis. Topics for discussion include minimizing employee exposure to various hazards, key aspects of a preparedness and response plan, developing a documented risk assessemnt, creating a communication plan, connecting with your employees, and supporting your employees. Read More
Coronavirus Update: Onsite Workforce, FMLA, Unemployment Claims March 18, 2020 On Tuesday, March 17, 2020, Governor Cuomo announced an agreement on the paid sick leave bill for those impacted by the virus. The provisions are set to take place immediately upon passage. As soon as this is finalized, we will provide updated information. Read More